Garden Style Bridesmaid's Bouquet

from CA$85.00

This garden style bouquet has a loose and romantic feel. Using high end greenery, roses and other seasonal flowers. This size is also suitable for an elopement bridal bouquet.

The third picture shows it side by side with the deluxe garden style bouquet.

Finished with a coordinating ribbon. A vase is included for transportation and for display on your head table.

We ask that you allow at least two weeks when ordering however, spaces may fill up at anytime and your date is not guaranteed until an order has been placed.

All arrangements are made and photographed by us in store. This is not a third party site, however orders may not be identical to the arrangements pictured. We work with what is seasonally available and/or fresh from the market daily, therefore colors and flowers will vary. The images are meant to convey style and feel, however we do our best to recreate the exact arrangement.

Seventh Photo: Simply Wedding Photography

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This garden style bouquet has a loose and romantic feel. Using high end greenery, roses and other seasonal flowers. This size is also suitable for an elopement bridal bouquet.

The third picture shows it side by side with the deluxe garden style bouquet.

Finished with a coordinating ribbon. A vase is included for transportation and for display on your head table.

We ask that you allow at least two weeks when ordering however, spaces may fill up at anytime and your date is not guaranteed until an order has been placed.

All arrangements are made and photographed by us in store. This is not a third party site, however orders may not be identical to the arrangements pictured. We work with what is seasonally available and/or fresh from the market daily, therefore colors and flowers will vary. The images are meant to convey style and feel, however we do our best to recreate the exact arrangement.

Seventh Photo: Simply Wedding Photography

This garden style bouquet has a loose and romantic feel. Using high end greenery, roses and other seasonal flowers. This size is also suitable for an elopement bridal bouquet.

The third picture shows it side by side with the deluxe garden style bouquet.

Finished with a coordinating ribbon. A vase is included for transportation and for display on your head table.

We ask that you allow at least two weeks when ordering however, spaces may fill up at anytime and your date is not guaranteed until an order has been placed.

All arrangements are made and photographed by us in store. This is not a third party site, however orders may not be identical to the arrangements pictured. We work with what is seasonally available and/or fresh from the market daily, therefore colors and flowers will vary. The images are meant to convey style and feel, however we do our best to recreate the exact arrangement.

Seventh Photo: Simply Wedding Photography

The Wildflower Bridesmaid Bouquet
from CA$65.00
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Bridesmaids Proposal Box