Haley Zaharia Haley Zaharia

My Friend Sent Me a Photo

We work hard to convey to our customers what to expect from the flowers they have ordered so complaints are rare for us. When they do arise the conversation usually starts with the phrase “My friend has sent me a photo of what they received”.

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Haley Zaharia Haley Zaharia

Brick and Mortar in an Online World

Drills are humming, dust is everywhere. My employee Vanessa and I are ten feet apart pushing out the morning deliveries and bracing for when customers start knocking on our door. “Excuse the tight quarters” “Yes, it’s stressful, but we are excited to show you the new look!”

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flowers Haley Zaharia flowers Haley Zaharia

"Why are Flowers so Expensive?"

Why are flowers so expensive? A young man politely asked me this the other day. It got me thinking that some of you may wonder this as well with Valentine’s Day just around the corner.

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Haley Zaharia Haley Zaharia

Our Big Renovation

As many of you have seen on Instagram we are making some big changes around here. We are getting a lot more questions than I anticipated so I thought I would take a moment to clarify a few things!

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