Timeless Garden Plant Arrangement


This modern classic features a double stemmed orchid, peace lily and ferns. Occasionally the white orchid has a darker pink or burgundy center. Please note: occasionally this contianer is currently smooth, not textured.

-Wood slice is not included

11"w x 25"H

We work with natural products which are prone to imperfections including nibbles from bugs on greenery, occasional water spots etc and do not advertise a perfect product.

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This modern classic features a double stemmed orchid, peace lily and ferns. Occasionally the white orchid has a darker pink or burgundy center. Please note: occasionally this contianer is currently smooth, not textured.

-Wood slice is not included

11"w x 25"H

We work with natural products which are prone to imperfections including nibbles from bugs on greenery, occasional water spots etc and do not advertise a perfect product.

This modern classic features a double stemmed orchid, peace lily and ferns. Occasionally the white orchid has a darker pink or burgundy center. Please note: occasionally this contianer is currently smooth, not textured.

-Wood slice is not included

11"w x 25"H

We work with natural products which are prone to imperfections including nibbles from bugs on greenery, occasional water spots etc and do not advertise a perfect product.

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